The Shiatsu Foot Massager Provides Many Health Benefits

Anyone who has ever had a foot massage knows how good it feels. The massage helps the person relax and relieves any pain they are experiencing. Several massage techniques today offer these benefits. However, many people choose to purchase a Shiatsu Foot Massager to receive the benefits. What can they expect when using this device?

Increased Circulation

Many people sit behind a desk all day and their circulation suffers. The muscles in the feet receive little exercise, and tight shoes impair their circulation. Using the foot massager at night increases circulation in the lower extremities.

Decreased Depression and Anxiety

People relax when they have a foot massage. In fact, studies show cancer patients experience less anxiety when they have regular foot massages. They also don't suffer from depression as much.

Migraine Relief

Foot massages help individuals who suffer from migraines. Participants in a study ceased taking their migraine medication and begin having foot massages. After three months, 65 percent of the participants reported having fewer symptoms. A few stated they no longer suffered from migraines. Researchers believe the foot massages improved all areas of the participant's life, leading to positive lifestyle changes that played a role in the reduction or elimination of the symptoms.

Plantar Fasciitis

Individuals with lax ligaments in the foot suffer from flat feet. The arch collapses because of this laxity, and some people find they have foot pain when they engage in any physical activity. Other people have no symptoms.

When the heel of the foot is inflamed or the plantar fascia deteriorates, heel pain occurs. The plantar fascia is the connective tissue responsible for supporting the foot's arch. Both the pain from flat feet and plantar fasciitis can be relieved with the use of the Shiatsu Foot and Leg Massager.

Lower Blood Pressure

Countless individuals across the globe struggle with high blood pressure. Many don't know they have this condition, which comes with negative health effects. Oftentimes, there is no known cause for the individual's high blood pressure. However, research shows that ten-minute foot massages up to three times each week reduce stress, improve the person's mood, and lower blood pressure.

These are only a few of the benefits seen with regular foot massages. However, many people find they cannot afford professional massages. They can still have a massage and do so in the comfort of their own home with the help of the Shiatsu device. Learn more today about this product and the benefits that come with its use. 
